Shoulder Conditions
& Treatments
Shoulder Conditions and Treatments: What We Treat
The shoulder is complex and can move in more directions than any other joint in the human body. Because of this, the shoulder is vulnerable to injuries such as:
- Dislocation
- Separation
- Fracture
- Tendon Injury
- Osteoarthritis
Diagnostic Tools
Understanding the anatomy of the shoulder can help you understand why it is not functioning the way it should. It is easy to misdiagnose a shoulder injury, so it is vital to be seen by an experienced shoulder specialist. Here are a few of the key diagnostic tools we often utilize:
Reviewing your health history – This is one of the most important diagnostic tools we use. We can learn a lot from simply asking questions like “Is your shoulder weak?”, “Do you have trouble reaching overhead?” or “Do you have shoulder pain at night that keep you from sleeping?”
MRI – This important test Is often useful because it can identify tears inside the shoulder.
CT or CAT Scan – This test can be helpful in identifying defects in the bone that lead to instability or deformity of the bone in shoulder with arthritis.
Many shoulder issues can be treated conservatively. However, if a shoulder issue persists and interferes with patient’s life, surgical options can also help. If surgery is the best option, our team will walk with you through your customized recovery plan. This process is structured to get you back as close as possible to 100%.

Rotator Cuff Repair
Care for shoulder tears has advanced significantly over the last few decades. LEARN MORE >>

Reverse Total Shoulder
Our success rate with total shoulders is among the highest in the region. LEARN MORE >>